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Clarity Consulting
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I created Clarity Consulting as a means of providing strategic, supportive advice for nonprofit organizations. I thoughtfully analyze the current landscape of an organization, identify its challenges and intricacies, and articulate critical issues as well as viable solutions to achieve measurable success. I work with Executive Boards and key team members to understand, clarify, and provide workable resolutions in a straightforward, earnest manner. My mission and passion are to share what I know about day to day challenges, and more importantly, develop opportunities that can lift nonprofits, transform them, and create an environment and culture of imminent success. 


Clarity Consulting provides advisory and strategic planning advice to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations. Our clients benefit from:


  • Assessment of the current “landscape” of the organization, identifying challenges and opportunities. 

  • Articulate analysis of where the organization is today, a succinct perspective on how it got there (perspective and history can be important in the process of transformation), and a clear pathway to potential opportunities that can be executed by the Board and Executive Team. 

  • Board sessions that are conversational and deeply engaging; they are developed with the Executive Board and key staff in mind to involve decision makers in a positive, uplifting environment that unearths and encourages change and Board energy. 

  • Executive Team discussions that dive into specific, helpful ideas that can be executed over the short term and longer term depending on the organization’s needs and goals. 

  • Follow up with Board Chairs and Executive Teams to keep the pathway to change clear and sustainable. 


Clients include small to midsize nonprofits that are often in pivotal points in their trajectory.


  • Some are smaller and need to expand into larger geographies, with broader donor bases.

  • Others are struggling to get through the work week with positivity and a “can do” culture.

  • Many Boards want to help and achieve mission and purpose, but find their membership wilting or less inspired than is desirable. Boards are supported to broaden their thinking and attract new individuals to fulfill specific roles in a constructive way. 

  • All of our clients are searching for practical, no nonsense ideas that can uplift and transform organizations both short term and longer term.

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